Massive EJ12 News and Full Big Brother Cover

August 27, 2012

Oh My EJ12!!!!!!!! Today has been an awesome day for EJ12 Fans, because not only is Kimono Code officially in stores but a new newsletter is out. Meaning some awesome news has been revealed.
Gee Whizz Lemon Fizz as Emma Jacks would say, where to start...............

Well as I said Book 14, Kimono Code is officially in stores today. Exciting! I received it early as a prize for a EJ12 competition I entered and it is amazing. Like so much happens and everything you have eagerly been anticipating comes to life. Along with the book a new game is out and a new wallpaper.

Also it has been said that the EJ12 Site will be given a makeover early next year. Susannah hasn't said much about Big Brother, the next in the series. But in the new newsletter she said that it will take place in an Outback Australian Shine Agency Animal Training camp. Plus those of us who read Kimono Code will know that there is a new Shine Agent.

The most exciting news is that book 15, Big Brother finally has a cover. It looks amazing and on it we can see Emma's brother Bob, her latest pet addition (E'clair). Plus the new shine agent, Hannah. That makes all of EJ's best buddies part of Shine. I think they would make great mission buddies. What do you think of the cover? I personally love it and can't wait to see what Susannah has in store for us next.
BK 15, BIG BROTHER (Coming Soon) Click for larger image

A lot of other cool news was said in the latest newsletter including a new comp, click here to view the newsletter online!!!!!!
For my Kimono Code Review head here
For my Kimono Code interview with the Author herself head here


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And, here's another award!


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